What is an Expert Witness and why use NRG Expert?
When it comes to disputes in the energy world, few things strengthen your case like a solid testimony from a real expert. The NRG Expert team comprises a number of individuals who qualified to give expert statements regarding a huge range of energy related issues. Our experts will work in tandem with your internal litigation or regulatory teams to give you the highest possible chance of success. With plenty of experience appearing before courts of every level in the UK, US, Canada and the EU, you can be sure of a professional attitude and quality output from us at all times. What is an Expert Witness ? An expert witness is someone with a particularly specialised knowledge, which qualifies them to give evidence in legal proceedings. As our name suggests, we are experts in the energy sector and this places us in an excellent position to give testimonies in court on behalf of our clients. Often it is the evidence provided by experts that makes sure the courts find justice in...